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Please contact Marge Pieklo at

301-898-5111 x10

or by email at

for additional information.

Parents of children under 5 years of age to be baptized are expected to be registered and practicing members of St. Peter’s community.  They shall call the parish office to register for the Baptism and a required Preparation Program, preferably prior to the birth of the child.  Godparents should be at least 16 years of age and a confirmed, practicing Catholic.  A sponsor from another Christian faith may act as Christian Witness for this sacrament.


Communal baptisms are held on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 12:15 pm in the Church OR you may celebrate baptism at any of the weekend liturgies.  In either case, call the parish office to register for preparation classes and to select the date of the baptism.

First Communion/First Reconciliation

Please contact Stacy Wright at

301-898-5111 x14

or by email at

for additional information and registration.

Children preparing for these sacraments must have been enrolled in an archdiocesan religious program or Catholic school one year prior to the celebration of the sacrament and must be currently attending with regularity.  Children must attend 2 retreats and scheduled practices.  Parents attend an orientation for both sacraments and the retreats.

Attendance policy:  In addition to one year of prior enrollment in an approved program, a child must also participate in a concurrent year program, either through an approved Catholic school or religious education program.  In order to receive credit for the religious education year a child may not miss more than 3 classes without making up work.  If a child needs to make up work, please complete missed chapters by going to the website:


Please contact Kevin Parker at

301-898-5111 x15 

or by email at


for additional information and registration.

(NOTE: to register for

Adult Confirmation

please contact Carolyn Nolan at 301-898-5111 x19

or by email at

"Through the sacrament of Confirmation, those who have been born anew in Baptism receive the inexpressible Gift, the Holy Spirit, by which they are endowed...with special strength." Pope Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of Confirmation


At St. Peter's, the Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred in the spring to 10th grade high school students who have completed preparation. More information available here.


Other Items:

  • Sponsor Selection - Confirmed Catholic in good standing, at least 16 years old, may NOT be parent of Confirmandi

  • Confirmation Saint selection

  • Initial & final interviews with CORE team member


Adult Confirmation is celebrated by the Archdiocese in May and November of each year.  The bishop reserves the privilege of confirming adults who have been catechized, but opted to defer their confirmation.  If you have completed your catechetical formation and would like to prepare to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation, we will be happy to assist you.


Please contact Carolyn Nolan at

301-898-5111 x19 

or by email at

for information about the preparation programs Pre-Cana and Engaged Encounter.

Parishioners need to make arrangements with the Pastor or Deacon at least 6 months prior to the wedding.  Those outside the parish desiring to be married at St. Peter’s must supply their own Catholic Priest or Deacon -- who will make pre-nuptial investigation, take full canonical responsibility, as well as perform the ceremony.

For marriage preparation information, please click here.

Music arrangements are only made after scheduling a meeting with parish musician Judy Smarsh, who will provide the order of the service and musical guideline selections.  This meeting should take place 4-6 months prior to the wedding date.

St. Peter's offers two parish hall venues for rental, more information here.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 3:30p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Daily Mass Chapel.  Confessions are also available by appointment; please call the Parish Office at 301-898-5111 to schedule yours.


In the case of an unforeseen emergency or outside of parish office hours, please call Fr. Chuck using his sacramental emergency number: 301-304-5411.

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Sick is for anyone who is experiencing severe or chronic illness, facing surgery or near death.  It is a sacrament of healing, forgiveness and comfort.


If you or a loved one are in need of these special sacramental graces, please contact the parish office at 301-898-5111 in order to set up a time to meet with Fr. Chuck.


In the case of an emergency, whether a sudden onset event or outside of the parish's office hours, please call Fr. Chuck using his sacramental emergency number: 301-304-5411.

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